Content creation from A to Z
- Workshop in Batumi hosted by @kongworking
Content creation A to Z
- Workshop in Batumi hosted by @kongworking
29 March, 19.00
Gorgasali St. 9, Kongworking

Dive into the world of digital marketing with a focus on the power and potential of targeted advertising. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, this workshop led by the esteemed digital marketing expert, Irina, is your gateway to mastering targeted ads.

For Whom This workshop is crafted for:
Entrepreneurs & independent specialist
Elevate your brand and connect with your ideal customers through targeted advertising strategies that drive sales and enhance visibility.
Marketing Professionals
Stay ahead in the competitive field of digital marketing by deepening your knowledge of targeted ads. Whether you're a digital marketer, a social media manager, or a marketing specialist, this workshop will equip you with advanced strategies and tools.
Startup Founders
Discover cost-effective marketing strategies to gain early traction for your startup. Learn how targeted advertising can provide a high ROI, even on a limited budget.
Students and Recent Graduates in Marketing or Business
Jumpstart your career with practical knowledge in one of marketing's most crucial areas. This workshop is an excellent opportunity for those studying marketing or business, or recent graduates looking to enter these fields.
Join our next Workshop on 29.03

25 GEL
Program Overview
18:30 – 19:00
18:30 – 19:00
Doors Open
Arrive early, get comfortable, and network with fellow attendees. Our welcoming team will guide you to the workshop area. Refreshments are available at our in-house coffee shop.
19:00 – 19:20
19:00 – 19:20
Irina Belova
What should the ecosystem inside FB look like to safely launch advertising
19:20 – 19:50
19:20 – 19:50
Promote button
Launch advertising through the "Promote" button. Budget, settings and life hacks.
19:50 – 20:10
19:50 – 20:10
Ads Manager
Setting up and launching advertising through Ads Manager
20:10 – 20:30
20:10 – 20:30
20:30 – 21:00
20:30 – 21:00
Working with settings and audiences
languages, interests, LAL, geo, etc.
21:00 – 21:20
21:00 – 21:20
Useful things
how to watch someone else’s advertising, the “Account Quality” section, support chat, etc.
21:20 – 22:00
21:20 – 22:00
Q&A session
Speaker of the Event
Irina Belova
Certified Specialist in Comprehensive Promotion in Social Networks
Certified Specialist in Comprehensive Promotion in Social Networks, Certified Targetologist, Internet Marketer

▼ 5+ years in internet marketing
▼ 45+ projects in various niches
▼ 200+ consultations on promotion

Connected upcoming Events
Join our next parts of the Workshop series!
Audience Research Workshop

Key Takeaways:

  • Master audience research tools and techniques.

  • Analyze data to inform your marketing strategies.

  • Create detailed audience personas

Content Creation with the Help of AI

Key Takeaways:

  • Introduction to AI tools for content generation.

  • Strategies for integrating AI into your content workflow.

  • Best practices for ethical AI use in marketing
Connected upcoming Events
Join our next parts of the Workshop series!
Audience Research Workshop

Key Takeaways:

  • Master audience research tools and techniques.

  • Analyze data to inform your marketing strategies.

  • Create detailed audience personas

Content Creation with the Help of AI

Key Takeaways:

  • Introduction to AI tools for content generation.

  • Strategies for integrating AI into your content workflow.

  • Best practices for ethical AI use in marketing
Get your Ticket!

15 GEL

  • Fundamentals of targeted advertising and its significance for your business or career.
  • Techniques to identify and understand your target audience effectively.
  • Step-by-step guidance on creating impactful targeted ad campaigns.
  • Insights into data-driven decision-making to optimize your advertising efforts.
  • Best practices for balancing personalization with privacy in your ads.
Join us!
Targeted Ad's Workshop

25 GEL

  • Fundamentals of targeted advertising and its significance for your business or career.
  • Techniques to identify and understand your target audience effectively.
  • Step-by-step guidance on creating impactful targeted ad campaigns.
  • Insights into data-driven decision-making to optimize your advertising efforts.
  • Best practices for balancing personalization with privacy in your ads.
Join us!
Content creation

55 GEL
  • Part 1 (target)

  • Part 2 (research)

  • Part 3 (content)

Join us!
mon-fri 10:00 - 22:00

mon-fri 10:00 - 22:00